Source code for ewoksjob.worker.process

import os
import time
import signal
import logging
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Manager
from multiprocessing import get_context
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures import wait
from concurrent.futures import Future
from concurrent.futures.process import BrokenProcessPool
from celery.concurrency import base
from celery.concurrency import prefork
from celery.exceptions import Terminated
from billiard.einfo import ExceptionInfo
from billiard.common import reset_signals

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class TaskPool(base.BasePool): """Multiprocessing Pool of non-daemonic processes which can create child processes without the need for billiard. """ EXECUTOR_OPTIONS = dict() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._executor = None self._manager = Manager() def _ensure_executor(self): if self._executor is None:"Start executor ...") mp_context = get_context(self.EXECUTOR_OPTIONS.get("context")) initargs = self.options["initargs"] self._executor = ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.limit, initializer=process_initializer, initargs=initargs, mp_context=mp_context, ) if self.EXECUTOR_OPTIONS.get("precreate"): timeout = self.EXECUTOR_OPTIONS.get("timeout", 10)"Pre-create workers ...") try: self._executor.submit(os.getpid).result(timeout=timeout) except TimeoutError: logger.error(f"Cannot pre-create workers within {timeout} seconds") raise"Executor started") return self._executor def _ensure_no_executor(self): """Running jobs are not interrupted""" if self._executor is None: return"Stop executor (wait indefinitely for jobs to finish)...") try: self._executor.shutdown(wait=True) except BaseException: logger.error("Stop executor cancelled") raise"Executor stopped") self._executor = None
[docs] def on_start(self): self._ensure_executor()
[docs] def did_start_ok(self): return self._executor is not None
[docs] def on_stop(self): """Called on the first CTRL-C of the worker process (warm shutdown)""" self._ensure_no_executor()
[docs] def on_terminate(self): """Called when?""" self._ensure_no_executor()
[docs] def on_close(self): """Called when?"""
[docs] def terminate_job(self, pid, sig=None): """Called when revoking a job""" if sig is None: sig = signal.SIGTERM try: os.kill(pid, sig) except ProcessLookupError: pass
[docs] def restart(self): self._ensure_no_executor() self._ensure_executor()
[docs] def shrink(self, n=1): self._ensure_no_executor() self.limit = max(self.limit - n, 0) self._ensure_executor()
[docs] def grow(self, n=1): self._ensure_no_executor() self.limit = max(self.limit + n, 0) self._ensure_executor()
[docs] def on_apply( self, target, args=None, kwargs=None, accept_callback=None, callback=None, error_callback=None, **_, ): f = self._safe_submit(target, args, kwargs, accept_callback) if callback is not None or error_callback is not None: def done_callback(f): try: result = f.result() except BrokenProcessPool: # Child process was killed # TODO: prefork.process_destructor(pid, exitcode) if error_callback is None: return error_callback(parse_exception(Terminated(signal.SIGKILL))) except BaseException as e: # Terminated: Job was cancelled if error_callback is None: return error_callback(parse_exception(e)) else: # Job succeeded or failed: somehow the result is already # converted to a tuple (failed, stringified result, time) if callback is not None: callback(result) f.add_done_callback(done_callback) return ApplyResult(f)
def _safe_submit(self, target, args, kwargs, accept_callback) -> Future: while True: try: return self._submit(target, args, kwargs, accept_callback) except BrokenProcessPool: logger.warning("Restart executor because a child received SIGKILL") self.restart() def _submit(self, target, args, kwargs, accept_callback) -> Future: if args is None: args = tuple() if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() executor = self._ensure_executor() if accept_callback is None: return executor.submit(target, *args, **kwargs) queue = self._manager.Queue() t = Thread(target=accept_callback_main, args=(queue, accept_callback)) t.daemon = True t.start() return executor.submit(subprocess_main, queue, target, args, kwargs) def _get_info(self): if self._executor is None: return { "max-concurrency": self.limit, "processes": [], "max-tasks-per-child": "N/A", } max_tasks_per_child = getattr(self._executor, "_max_tasks_per_child", None) return { "max-concurrency": self.limit, "processes": list(self._executor._processes), "max-tasks-per-child": max_tasks_per_child or "N/A", } @property def num_processes(self): if self._executor is None: return 0 return len(self._executor._processes)
[docs] def process_initializer(*args): os.environ["FORKED_BY_MULTIPROCESSING"] = "1" prefork.process_initializer(*args) reset_signals(full=True) try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def subprocess_main(queue, target, args, kwargs): """Main function called in a child process""" try: queue.put(os.getpid()) return target(*args, **kwargs) except SystemExit as e: raise Terminated(e)
[docs] def accept_callback_main(queue, accept_callback): """Background task that wait for the start of job execution in a child process""" try: pid = queue.get() except EOFError: return accept_callback(pid, time.monotonic())
[docs] def parse_exception(e: BaseException) -> ExceptionInfo: """Prepare an exception for the error callback""" try: raise e from None except type(e): return ExceptionInfo()
[docs] class ApplyResult: def __init__(self, future): self._future = future
[docs] def get(self): return self._future.result()
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None): wait([self._future], timeout)
[docs] def terminate(self, signum): raise NotImplementedError